Funny Dank Memes Worst Caveman Spongebob Memes

Here Are 17 "SpongeBob" Memes, Ranked From Worst To Best

This meme round-up isn't a joke.

Pajama Kid (honorable mention)

KillerKenyan / Via

Explanation: This technically isn't a SpongeBob meme, but look at those pajamas. The presence is definitely felt.

18. Bad directions:

Explanation: This meme is only relatable to people with a poor sense of direction. It's funny, but it doesn't have any staying power.

17. Proper SpongeBob:

when u first start talking to someone and u act all proper bc u ain't sure when u can start being weird

Explanation: Extremely relatable meme, but there isn't too much you can do here caption-wise besides what already exists.

16. Tough SpongeBob:

ladytesla / Via

Explanation: This is a classic meme that is gone from circulation, but not forgotten. Pretty simple concept to take something that would hurt most people, but then exaggerate the amount of time it takes you to get over it.

15. You Already Know What TF Is Going On:

Explanation: This one is pretty niche and is a lot more work intensive than your average meme and that alone demands the utmost respect. Few people actually know "what the fuck is going on," but the ones that know, know.

14. Surprised Patrick:

Explanation: This is an early classic SpongeBob meme that really thrived as a visual without text. You had to be an advanced memer to take part in this one. It was funny to see Patrick superimposed on images freaking out.

13. Give me the formuloli:

Explanation: To see one of the funniest moments from SpongeBob SquarePants be turned into a music video is unforgettable. Once again you had to be advanced to be involved here. RIP Vine.

12. Bikini Bottom Crowd:

Explanation: There have been different variations of this meme, but they all usually tie into some aspect of socializing. Relatable and funny, but not the most versatile.

11. Squidward Dabbing:

Rudin Zoto / Via

Explanation: Something about seeing Squidward dab at the height of the mainstream appropriation of dabbing is cry-laugh inducing. But, this ranks where it ranks because it isn't timeless as a result of it not being really cool to dab anymore.

10. The "Boi" Meme:

explodingscrotum.png / Via

Explanation: This is an early SpongeBob meme which removed the relation to the show and had a life of its own. It was all about roasting the shit out of someone and SpongeBob just happened to be in the perfect canidate. The beginning to SpongeBob memes as we know it.

9. Sleeping Squidward:

Explanation: This meme was usually geared toward students for waking up in a panic, but it was great to see people change the order of Squidward's eyes.

8. The "Is mayonaisse an instrument?" meme:

Explanation: This is honestly just a random one, but this meme found a way to resurface and re-brand itself every year. Don't be a knucklehead though. With great memes come great responsibility.

7. Krusty Krab VS. Chum Bucket

Explanation: This is a fairly new meme, but we'll see how long it lasts. You can only take two things and compare them, which is hilarious. Even Texas Roadhouse joined in on this one.

6. Savage Patrick:

Explanation: These memes eventually ended up taking a really dirty turn, but hilarious nonetheless. If a cartoon meme doesn't slightly ruin your childhood is it even a meme?

5. Doodlebob:

Explanation: Besides being one of the best episodes of SpongeBob seeing DoodleBob's "me hoy minoy" making the rounds on social media has been an honor to witness. Especially because one of DoodleBob's random "words" transcended the episode.

4. Caveman SpongeBob:

when ur at the doctors office with ur mom and the doctor asks if you're sexually active

Explanation: This meme somehow accurately represents being in a precarious situation. This is the first SpongeBob meme that went extremely viral that had nothing to do with the show. That's when they work best. So many different scenarios came as a result of this primitive SpongeBob.

3. mOCKinG spONGEbOB memE:

Him: *leaves me on delivered last night* Him this morning: "good morning beautiful" Me: gOOd MOrIng beAuTiFul

Explanation: This meme became the petty replacement for "u mad?...or nah," which was a feat I thought was impossible. There's really no way to win once you see someone type what you type "liKE tHIs," it's funny though.

2. Naked SpongeBob:

Explanation: This is such an amazing meme! I think everyone can relate to doing the bare minimum and still being exhausted as a result. It would be number one because of the concept alone, but it hasn't stood the test of internet time yet.

1. Mr. Krab Blur:

when you about to enter the gates of heaven and somebody screams "CHECK THE TWEETS GOD"

Explanation: This meme is basically a blank canvas for your imagination. Ideas just really ran wild on this one. Every meme has an overall theme, but this was the most versatile. It can mean you're feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, scared, or confused. The dust has settled since its initial explosion, but it was a defining moment for SpongeBob memes.


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